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Rooster Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

The Rooster can expect some conjugal or family challenges this year. To come out well, take the bull by the horns and solve these situations with lucidity and aggressiveness, instead of burying your head in the sand. Remember that nobody can solve problems by fleeing or by pretending that they don't exist. It is all a question of courage. 'It's not because things are difficult that we dare not, it's because we dare not that things are difficult,' as Seneca wrote. Even though a solution may not immediately show itself, an optimistic, philosophical attitude could soften the cutting edge of any obstacles.


Rat Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

The Rat may encounter some financial challenges, for their business will need utmost care and tending in order to reach full prosperity. But they should not wreck their health by working excessively. On the contrary, they would be better off looking for a good sense of relaxation in meditation and reflection. Dear Rat, be a bookworm, and you'll profit from the year well. Do you know that reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body, as Joseph Addison said? Of course, it isn't necessary to read much, but it is necessary to read usefully. Through reading, you can find the means to ennoble yourself and to become wiser.


Ox Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

Profoundly convinced of the merits of marriage, the Ox will feel the need to find a partner or consolidate an existing relationship. They will probably react with much vehemence to any ambiguous situations. These strong reactions might have undesirable repercussions on their general comportment, and particularly on their conjugal and family relations. They should keep in mind that what troubles people are not things, but the judgment they have on things, as a wise philosopher once said. If the Ox is willing to show more flexibility, tolerance and humor, then they will enjoy interior peace and won't run the risk of suffering from high blood pressure! 

Goat Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

Luck will smile upon the charming Goat. They will prosper in many sectors of activity. And as far as amorous conquests are concerned, they will be among the luckiest ones of the zodiac. Will all that make them happy? On one level, yes, but they will still have questions that need large answers. This year, they must look to their interior life for solutions. Their happiness will depend on them and them alone. In order to be happy, they must, right now, begin to learn wisdom. 'When one is young, one must apply oneself to philosophizing; and when one is old, one should not get tired of philosophizing. For it's never too early or too late to work for the health of the soul,' as Epicurus said.

Dragon Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

The Dragon will find this year rather lovely. They will continue to win successes, especially in the fields where creativity is the key factor. But victory, however brilliant it may be, won't be enough for them and won't prevent them from asking deeper questions from time to time. The Dragon native will have to try to acquire more wisdom in order to fight boredom. The reading of good authors will do them a lot of good. It will be recommended to the Dragon to read the works of Confucius and Pascal with particular attention.

Rabbit Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

Rabbits will congratulate themselves on feeling perfectly in their element. The New Year will bring them a pleasurable sensation of physical and mental well-being. Sufficiently wise not to make a drama out of every grain of sand, they will close their eyes on the faults of their close ones and will thus preserve their interior peace. The astral environment of this year will incite Rabbits to devote more hours to reading. They will therefore gain more wisdom, for 'the reading of all good books is like a conversation with the best people of past centuries,' as Descartes wrote. Meditation will also please them.

Monkey Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

The Monkey always considers life to be a comedy rather than a tragedy, and this saves them from pessimism and discouragement. They will therefore enjoy themselves this year, and do many frivolous things, but will always keep a certain sense of balance. Moreover, they will study philosophers, particularly those who know how to make fun of philosophy, such as Montaigne and Pascal. If they continue on this path, they will have many chances to spend the year profitably. Beware, however! They should not continue to believe that all people are foolish except for themselves: 'It's great folly to want to be wise all alone,' as La Rochefoucauld said!


Dog Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

A stable and calm year will lie in wait for the Dog. This native can find the joy of living if they continue to devote themselves relentlessly to improving the fate of mankind, for it's by being useful to others that one can find happiness. Anyway, they will have an interest in getting out of themselves. It would be a good idea for them to find a cause they can believe in. The uplifting of an oppressed or underprivileged sector of society might use their energies to the utmost. If they have a cause to focus on, this year can be extremely valuable and rich for natives of this sign.

Pig Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

Some sentimental changes may present themselves during this year. Keep using your imagination and you will turn any and all obstacles to your advantage. Everybody knows that routine and monotony are the worst enemies of love! Get out of a rut and look for some fantasy in love. Be alive in the present moment; do not spend your time thinking about the past or spinning fantasies about the future! The Pig must also cultivate tolerance, for this supreme virtue is capable of reviving extinct or dying sentimental fires.

Snake Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

The Snake will practically meet with no trouble this year. They'll charm numerous types, and can experience many love adventures. Moreover, their levelheadedness and wisdom will bring them the admiration and esteem of all. However, they should beware of any tendency toward indecisiveness. They will like to run several risks, but things will not always end up turning out all right as if by magic if they continue to do so. If they rely too much on their luck and continue to flit about ceaselessly, they could run the risk of finding themselves in complicated or ambiguous situations that might prove embarrassing or disturb their interior peace.

Tiger Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

Eager for action, the Tiger may instead be surrounded by harmony. In order to turn their energy into useful channels, they must join cultural clubs or participate in different debates and seminars. If an occasion presents itself, they will have an interest in discovering new countries, civilizations and peoples still unknown to them. Their trips will stimulate their thinking and help them acquire wisdom.

Horse Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

For the Horse, this will be the year of amorous influences. They will have a very hard time resisting their desire to indulge in love affairs. Their close ones will find it extremely difficult to keep them on the straight and narrow to avoid annoying complications. 'Love, love, when thou holdst us, one can say: good-bye, prudence!' as La Fontaine wrote. This will exactly be the case with the Horse! The only advice that one can give the Horse is to weigh the pros and the cons carefully before embarking on any amorous adventure. Wisdom tells us not act like the dog that lets go of the prey for its shadow. It'll be up to them to choose!

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