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If you want Html Codes for Emoticons. Go to http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/emoticons.php
Sparkly Writing & Other Similar Effects

The Basic Effect
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/sparkle.gif)"> Your Message Goes Here </span>

You Can Increase the Font (Character) Size
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/sparkle.gif); font-size: 40pt"> Your Message Goes Here </span>
You Can Change the Font
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/sparkle.gif); font-size: 40pt; font-family: Comic Sans MS"> Your Message Goes Here </span>
You Can Change the Colour
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/sparkle.gif); font-size: 40pt; font-family: Comic Sans MS; color: blue"> Your Message Goes Here </span>
You Can Use Other Background Images
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/musicnote87.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/twinkles.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

Blue Droplets
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/bluedrops1.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

Green Droplets
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/greendrops1.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

Coloured Spots
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/rainbowspots.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>


<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/firework75.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

Blue Stars
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/cyanstar1.gif); font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

Coloured Dots
<span style="background: url(http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/stars.gif); color:white; font-size: 40pt "> Your Message Goes Here </span>

If you use the HTML Code Segments above in Item Descriptions, on pages etc please add this link to the page
<center> <table bgcolor=white border=1><tr><td><font size=-2> HTML Code Segments Provided by <a href="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk" target="_blank">UK Auction Help</a> </font></td></tr></table> </center>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/a.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/b.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/c.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/d.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/e.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/f.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/g.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/h.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/i.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/j.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/k.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/l.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/m.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/n.gif>

<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/o.gif>

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<img src=http://ukauctionhelp.co.uk/f/t.gif>

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If you use the Images above in Item Descriptions, on pages etc please add this link to the page
<center> <table bgcolor=white border=1><tr><td><font size=-2> Images Provided by <a href="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk" target="_blank">UK Auction Help</a> </font></td></tr></table> </center>


Below are a number of animated gifs for inclusion in your Auction Listings

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/01_13_w.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/ag_bounc.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/an41.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/ball_change.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/bear.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/blobs.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/checker.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/clap.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/flashgreen.gif">

<img src="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/anigif/greendrops1.gif">

1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6

If you use the Images above in Item Descriptions, on pages etc please add this link to the page
<center> <table bgcolor=white border=1><tr><td><font size=-2> Images Provided by <a href="http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk" target="_blank">UK Auction Help</a> </font></td></tr></table> </center>

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Hi every one it me Vincent I hope you injoin my website.
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                                                        From: Vincent

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If you want to talk to me or tell me something about the web e-mail me at v9900@aim.com for any comments or reactions